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Feedback Survey

1. In regards to your role on the project, please select One of the following

2. Overall, do you think that communication with City Staff was timely and effective?

3. Please rate the following when you first made contact with staff from the Planning Department (whether via phone, e-mail or in person)

4. A Pre-Application meeting is offered as a means to facilitate the development process. Did you attend this meeting?

5.Was the information provided at the Pre-Application meeting helpful?

6. Did you take part in the Platting (Development, Minor, Preliminary and/or Final) process of the project?

7. If yes, was the communication from staff helpful?

8. Did you take part in the Site Plan process of the project?

9. Was the communication from staff helpful?

10. Please rate the following regarding your experience with the Site Plan review process.

11. Did you take part in the Non-residential Plan Review phase of the project?

12. Did you take part in the Building Permit/Inspection phase of the project?

13. What aspect of your development experience did you like most?

14. If you would like to be contacted by a staff member, please provide your name and contact information below, otherwise your feedback will continue as anonymous.

15. Is there any other information that you would like to share with us regarding your development experience?

16. What aspect of your experience with staff related to development could be improved?